Sunday, January 31, 2016

Daredevil: Season 1 Epsiode 3

In case you were wondering from my title I just watched the third episode from Daredevil season 1.

And I'm pissed.

To be honest I really had no desire to watch this show. I was kind of interested in watching Jessica Jones, Bradley and I heard that the shows were slightly connected, he was interested in watching both so here we are. Watching Daredevil.

I thought the first two episodes were okay. The show in general is a lot darker than I was expecting. Which personally I like. The television Marvel Universe isn't nearly as campy as the film Marvel Universe. There was a lot of set up and back story. Which is necessary when you are starting a story. Especially if there's a chance that some of your viewers might not be familiar with your source material! (More on this point later).

The third episode however I thought was much stronger. It started with a seemingly simple man coming into a bowling alley wanting to bowl a few frames and within two minutes this deceptively simple man ends up crushing another's man skull with a bowling ball. After this opener the rest of the story moved at a brisk pace, new and interesting characters and storylines were introduced and I spent more time watching the show than playing on my phone. And in this day and age that is a rave review.

Then came the ending scene of the episode and it ruined everything.

Side note -- I was complaining to Bradley while watching this episode that this show does what many television shows do. They constantly talk about this mysterious bad guy that all the other bad guys are working for. You know the type; a mass amount of wealth, connections in every possible entity that has a department to corrupt, and somehow knows everything about everyone who is anyone. And no one knows his name! Or at least they would rather die than say his name. It's like Voldemort everyone is convinced they'll be cursed if they say it. --End side note.

Back to that horrible ending scene. A beautiful mysterious woman with an accent in an art gallery walks up to a man in a suit who is staring at a painting. She blathers on about art and it's connection to the world or something ( I don't really remember what she said and frankly I don't think what she said will ever actually matter) and the man just stands there staring at the painting occasionally making a remark here and there. Now the woman speaks for a good minute or two and they make a point to not show the man's face until the end of the scene. Now because they are making such a fuss about revealing this man's face to the audience he is obviously someone important. So here I am watching the screen as this woman keeps talking waiting for the big reveal. Finally the woman says something she turns to the man obviously waiting for a response to whatever she just said and the camera reveals...

A big bald guy in a suit.

What the frack?!

Now of course Bradley is completely satisfied because obviously this guy is Kingpin.

I'm sorry who?!

Now if you are familiar with Marvel outside of television and movies then you possibly knew that as well. So that reveal might have worked for you. But let me tell you if are someone watching this show who didn't do the assigned reading to understand what the heck is happening that was one lame ending. And it was such a strong episode outside of that scene which really just made that scene suck even more.

In defense of the scene Bradley pointed out that by "introducing" Kingpin they were no longer doing the aforementioned Voldemort thing. Sure. We now know who the bad guy is. Or at least we can guess this apparently big deal bald guy must be the mysterious ultimate bad guy. Can we be sure? I guess we'll never know cause why would I keep watching a show that I'm not going to understand without reading the comics first?!

(I'm going to keep watching. I'm just really mad about that scene.)

But! I would like to say to those who make Marvel television: please understand that some of your viewers might not be familiar with all of your folklore. So just because you reveal a mysterious bald guy in a suit doesn't mean that it means anything to us. Also if you are going to reveal a character like that maybe choose a character more distinct than a bald guy in a suit.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Three simple things

I'm trying three simple things.

1. Writing something everyday.

2. Going for a walk every day.

3. Only drinking alcohol at pre-planned special occasions.

My first goal for me is the most important. I've been thinking and planning to try and make something of myself as a writer. But I spend so much time planning on getting it done rather than actually doing it. I've written an hour a day for the past two days. I know that sounds like nothing and it basically is. But it's something. I wrote a page of a potential story today and I hated it. But they say beginning writers need to spend hours and hours of writing really bad stuff so they can hopefully get to some not quite as bad stuff. I just need to make it an ingrained habit. And I need to not be scared to take a chance on my own abilities.

My second goal is just to be more active. I think for the past two or three new years I've secretly had this goal in my head of completing a marathon. Now at this point in time I can barely speed walk a mile in fifteen minutes without getting extremely winded. So you know, baby steps. Now of course this is also tied into weight loss goals. But instead of focusing on "I want to weigh this much" goals I thought it would be better to have a task to complete like running a marathon. I really would like to. Now I'm a long way off from being ready so for now it's a walk a day.

My third goal is partly out of health reasons and partly because I think it becomes too easy to turn to alcohol when things aren't going well. Now I don't want to say I'm not going to drink at all this year because 1) my birthday rules and 2) I want to celebrate with others when the time is right. But I definitely want to cut back. Plus I've never heard how cutting back on alcohol can be bad for you.

So those are three simple goals I've given to myself. And I just felt like sharing :)

Friday, January 15, 2016


Next month I am running a Harry Potter book night at my library. My manager asked me if I could advertise by putting a display up. I told her I could and my plan was to use our display case and turn it into a potions cupboard. I had all kinds of ideas. I had a list of materials to gather. Yesterday was my day off. I had specifically set it aside to put it all together so when I went in to work today it would be all ready to go. 

Then when I woke up yesterday morning the first thing that happened was I found out about Alan Rickman. 

I know that Alan Rickman was so much more than Severus Snape. He had done film, television and theatre. He had several other roles in film that people immediately recognized him for. 

But for me I was first introduced to Alan Rickman in a potions classroom in November 2001. 

For anyone who grew up reading the Harry Potter books a constant source of debate was the true nature of Severus Snape. Was he truly good or truly bad? 

Now while yes this debate was rooted in the books it was also a great presence in the films. While you watched the films you either hated Snape or you loved him. And which ever way you felt Alan Rickman clearly had done his job. It wasn't whether he made the characters' intentions plain that mattered. But that he made us feel something. 

It seems silly to be genuinely sad when a celebrity dies. I didn't know him. But in a strange way I felt like I did. For a decade he portrayed one my favorite characters in my favorite book. Every time I read the series he is who I picture as Severus Snape. 

I did put the display up today. I think I need to add more to it but I'm pretty proud of what I have so far. 

I think I will be dressing up as Severus Snape at the event. It just seems right. And I think just about everyone in the world beat me to all the poignant quotes either from Severus Snape or Alan Rickman himself. So I refer to my title. Thank you Alan Rickman. Always.