Thursday, March 3, 2016

Marching On.

We are two months in to 2016. And I am...exhausted.

Getting into the why's and home come's isn't really what I want to be doing here. I'm just sort of checking in with myself.

I've been very good with the no alcohol. My goal was to wait until my birthday before I let myself have any and so far so good. Just one more month to go!

I've been pretty hot and cold about remembering to go for a walk every day. I started Daily Burn which is an online workout app that let's you stream work out videos to your TV. I like the videos and it seem like a good option for me. I just need to be a little more consistent.

I've been really bad about keeping up with my writing. I usually look back at my journal entries for the past month to sort of review how the month went. And I had barely any entries for February. I'm finding it harder and harder to stay positive and keep myself motivated.

But I have to remind myself that it's okay to falter a little. My biggest problem with keeping goals and resolutions is once I miss one goal or step I usually just throw in the towel. I need to be okay with not having a perfect streak or missing a small goal. So long as I don't give up on the big picture.

I'm really hoping that 2016 takes a turn for the better. And not just for myself. I know this year has already been a challenging one for multiple people I know. I feel like every where I turn someone I know is going through a hard time. I for one am ready for some positive change.