Today is the 80 day count down to my 30th birthday.
Which means I have 80 days to keep my promise to myself.
In 80 days my rough draft for my first book will be complete.
In terms of numbers (because that's what I live by) that is roughly 4.375 pages a day (Assuming a 350 page book).
Totally doable.
I have made this promise to myself year after year. Excuse after excuse, self doubt after crippling self doubt.
Obviously, I could write it after I turn 30. And I will be writing after I turn 30. But for me in, in my mind, it's a now or never kind of thing.
When I turned 29 I made a huge list of things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 30. I have even accomplished some of them. But none of them matter. Not like this one thing that I've always wanted to do.
80 days, Jen. And Go!