It will be done.
That's what I'm telling all of you. It will happen.
I. will. write.
I've always wanted to be a writer. But my motivation has been so lack luster. Over the past year or so I feel like I've gotten lazier and lazier. Excuse after excuse.
It's just so frustrating. I used to have more ambition and drive then I knew what to do with. There was never enough for me to be doing, always a job or project that I had to tackle. Now if I watch less than five hours of TV a day it's a miracle.
I started looking through articles and blogs about being motivated. And one piece of advice struck a chord with me. It suggested announcing your goal to friends and family. That going public with your goal adds a certain amount of pressure to be sure to get it done. No one wants to look bad publicly. So saying I am going to get something done aloud to other people adds a certain level of motivation to get it done.
Now I've done that before a couple of times and it hasn't always worked out. But I can live with my failures in the past. I've always been afraid of failing. But I've done it before. And I survived. The world didn't end. And here I am. Trying again.
So here is my goal: Have a rough draft of a book done by December 31st 2016 11:59PM.
Yes. I'm setting a deadline. Now this could be accomplished in many different ways. Writing a certain number of words a day. Writing a certain number of hours a day. So many chapters a week. Outlining the story and set dates to reach certain parts of the story. And I may try a couple of these strategies. I've tried some of them already.
But I have a goal. I plan on starting on Sept 1st. One because I like the idea of starting something at the beginning of a frame of time. Two it gives me some time to make a plan of attack. I'm also planning on writing in this blog about once week with a progress update.
That being said any words of inspiration and encouragement would be appreciated :)
It is a little humiliating knowing I've tried this kind of thing before. Many times in fact. And it hasn't ever worked out. I've had many doubts about my abilities. Constant unrealistic comparisons between myself and other people. Being bombarded with the best versions of other people thanks to social media. Not to mention we live in a world with Netflix! Who can get anything done?!
But I'm saying it is going to happen. New Year's Eve will have a rough draft done. And I'll be starting my New Year's Resolutions with thoughts of editing and publishing and writing new stories.
It. will. happen.
Let the countdown begin...
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