Monday, August 10, 2015

The Distance Between Lost and Found

I recently just finished a book entitled The Distance Between Lost and Found. It was a decent book. It's about three teenagers who are on a youth retreat but they get separated from the group and end up stuck out in the woods for almost a week. While they are out in the woods they discover a lot about themselves and each other. The main girl Hallie is struggling to accept the realities of what happened between her and a boy at school and the rumors going around about her. They talk a lot about God and faith while they are out there and though it was a bit much for me it was still written well.

When I think about what I want to write I'm constantly torn. I love Harry Potter which is a series in genre fiction. However, most publishers are much more interested in stand alone realistic novels these days like The Fault in Our Stars. So then I think should I go that way?

But then there are times when I'm really against forming my writing for what is publishable right now. I should right what I want to write. Because let's face it even if I do manage to complete a manuscript and send it off in the hopes of an agent or publisher being interested I need to prepare myself for a lot of No's. And that's okay. The point is to write. And be happy with it.

I'm thinking I may try and stick with the lost princess idea I have going. That kind of story for me is fun to write. I may not always do it in an order that makes sense. I may even write the conclusion before a lot of the middle part. That may be a little frustrating to read but I know right now I just need to make sure I'm constantly writing. I'm starting school soon and I know that's going to effect how much time I can devote to everything else.

Oh I also read a graphic novel called The Undertaking of Lily Chen. It was only the second graphic novel I've ever read. It was really pretty. I'm not quite sure if that genre is really for me. I think I still prefer to find the details in the words rather than the pictures. But I'm glad I read it.

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