Friday, August 7, 2015

The lost princess

The story of how the lost princess came to be lost was one that was told in a variety of different ways. Some swore that a rogue Knight to the queen who had suddenly sworn allegiance to a neighboring kingdom kidnapped the child so the kingdom would fall to ruin without their true heir. Some say that it was a conspiracy within the royal family. That it was merely a publicity stunt and the Queen knew all along where her daughter was. Some denied that there ever was a princess and that the kingdom was searching for no one. What the true story was varied based on who you asked.

Quinn was whole-heartedly convinced that there was a princess. He believed the Queen's story that her daughter had been taken from her and she had no idea where she had been taken. He believed this because his father believed it. His father had served in Her Majesty's guard from the time he was old enough to join until his dying day some twenty years ago. Quinn's father believed in the crown. He had instilled in Quinn the importance of serving something much greater than himself. He taught Quinn that there was nothing so important as protecting the royal family.

The day the young princess was taken was a dark day not only for the Royal family but the entire kingdom. Quinn did not see his father for weeks following the kidnapping. Every member of the royal guard had been called upon to search the entire kingdom and beyond it. They searched day and night barely sleeping. The search went on for days, weeks and months. Eventually the Royal family had to agree that the kingdom had to continue on. And that the kingdom needed the Royal family to get back to their royal duties. So the continual searching had to come to an end.

There were however, a few select members of the royal guard whose sole duty was to continue the search for the missing princess. However feeble a lead they found, however pointless their search may have appeared to some it was their sworn duty to find the lost princess and return her to her mother the Queen. So she would be able to take her place on the throne and one day be the kingdom's true leader. Quinn's father was one of those men who spent day after day looking for the princess. He died never knowing if she would one day be found.

Though Quinn had been only seven when his father had passed away he had spent the twenty years that followed in the company of the Queen's guard. He and his mother were cared for and looked after by the Royal family for that was the promise they made to the family of a guard member. They lived on the West end of the palace where many of the guard and their families were housed. And when Quinn came of age he immediately followed in his father's footsteps and became a member of the guard himself.

Now after all he had been through. After all his father had been through. Here she was. The princess. The lost princess lost no more.

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