Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Remembering Yourself

It is easy to blame yourself.

I'm taking a life lesson from the bachelor. That's right, the bachelor. I mean not from Arie himself, he sucks. But from the show.

Every time the bachelor broke up with someone, the girl would say "What did I do wrong?" "What's wrong with me?" They would place the blame on themselves. And for God's sake why?! You did nothing wrong.

It is so easy to recognize your own flaws. To think of all the things you did or didn't do in a relationship. And I'm not strictly speaking about a romantic one. But constantly reliving the past. What if I had done this instead. What if I shouldn't have said that. Maybe if I had talked more or less. 

Enough is enough. Someone not wanting you to be a part of their life is on them.

It is very, very hard for me to not take things personally. To take them to heart. Especially when it is personal. Why should someone else's opinion of you inform your own self worth?

Loving and respecting yourself is important. Especially when someone you thought was a friend doesn't show you the same love and respect. And it is harder to remember to love yourself when someone you care about treats you and your feelings with indifference. Indifference is so much worse than anger. Because they just don't care. Which is a hard pill to swallow when you still do.

So next time someone breaks up with you or ends a friendship with you here is my two cents. Instead of asking yourself "What's wrong with me?" ask them "What the hell is wrong with you?!"


  1. This is SO well said. Great thoughts! It is so easy to define ourselves by other people and you are right, we shouldn't do that. Who we are isn't what other people say or think about us.
    I really needed this. Thanks!
    You truly are a fabulous writer.
