Thursday, December 13, 2018

Last day of school! Last day of school!

And the semester is over.

Overall, I'm glad I took classes this semester. I did well. My grades aren't final but I believe I got A's in both classes. The creative writing class was great. It got me to actually do a little bit of writing for once, instead of just talking about it. I discovered I'm pretty good at writing dialogue and pretty hopeless as far as correct grammar is concerned. Who actually knows when to use commas, hyphens and all those stupid things anyways?

My Women in Literature class was...interesting. Some days I really enjoyed it. Talking to a group of mostly women about women and the state of the world felt good. And I read some material I probably never would have. I finally cracked down and read The Handmaid's Tale. But it was a shit ton of work. And more stressful than I had been hoping for.

I will not be taking any classes next semester. There really aren't any being offered that I'm too interested in. And frankly the creative writing class was the only one that got me to do the kind of writing I want to do. Which was the point of going. That and building up my transcripts if I ever decide to apply to grad school.

So for now I will work and try and get some writing done. I got the 30 hour position at the library and I officially resigned as a substitute teacher. Which feels insanely good. If you can handle it, it's not a bad part-time job. But after two and half years of constant anxiety I'd had enough. Now I spend my time creating new ways to entertain teenagers. But only for two hours a week.

And today, while I was bored at work, with no homework looming over me, I wrote a couple of pages. If I just did that. Every day. Just a couple of pages every day. I'd be so much farther along. So that's my hope. Just a couple of pages a day and see how far I get.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Real Talk

I am not subbing anymore!

This is a decision I made all of one hour ago. When I got into a classroom, took a look at the lesson plan and had a panic attack.

That's really embarrassing to admit. But I did. I took a look around the classroom and realized I wanted to be anywhere but there. I left so frazzled I left the sub folder and my water bottle in the classroom. And I got in my car all sweaty and panicky and of all days the AC breaks! And I'm sitting there trapped in my hot car in the school traffic just wanting to gun it at 90mph. Breathing to say the least was difficult.

I got home and called Brad in tears. I was so damn frustrated with myself. For one thing I knew I shouldn't have accepted the sub job. I wasn't going to. But the thought of money and the fact that I really didn't have anything going on today made me feel like I'd be being lazy not to. Not doing enough. And the inevitable and terrible habit of comparing myself to everyone else started. This person does this, this and this while dealing with all this and I can't do this. 

I was screaming in my head "I can't do this!" "I can't do this!" But I was saying it like it's a bad thing. Because that's what we all do right? When we say we can't do something we say it like it's bad. Like it's bad of us for not being able to do it. But what if it's a good thing? What if by finally saying " I can't do it!" I'm actually finally letting myself off the hook for something that I, in actuality, don't have to be doing?

Scenario 1: I don't sub anymore.
Results: Life goes on

When I first started subbing I was optimistic about it. Mostly because of the money. The more I did it the more I hated it. As much as I hated it though I couldn't quit even after I got hired at the library again. Because if I quit then I would literally be doing nothing with my degree. The degree I spent thousands of dollars on. The degree that wasn't the right degree because I'm back in school.

Scenario 2: I don't have a job that requires my degree
Results: Life goes on.

It just always felt like I should be using my degree. Like I was doing something wrong if I wasn't. When the truth is, I just don't want to.

I'm in school again. I'm taking a creative writing class where all we do is actually write. A lot of it is nothing. Small little writing exercises. But I like it. I like going. I like actually doing some writing even if it's not at the epic novel stage yet. And I'm taking a women's lit class. Every time I leave that class I want to go kick all the Brett Kavanaugh's in the world, in the balls and spit on them.

I'm up for another promotion at the library. It would pretty much be the same job. It would be going from 20 to 30 hours a week, plus medical. And I would officially be put in charge of the program that I'm already kind of running. My interview is on Monday.

But honestly whether I get that promotion or not, I'm not subbing anymore.

Scenario 3: Cut out something in your life that makes you unhappy.
Results: Get happier.

That scenario sounds so simple. But do people actually do that? Do they actually look at their life, notice something that makes them unhappy, and decide to change it? A lot of the time it's not as simple as quitting a job, I know. Sometimes people can't afford to quit. And don't get me wrong, Brad and I aren't exactly sitting pretty, won't kill us.

(Side gushy note. I love my husband. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot.)

So that's that I guess. I'm not subbing anymore. I'm going to school, I'm working at the library.

I can live with that :)

Sunday, August 12, 2018

First Day of School! First Day of School!

School starts tomorrow!

I am so excited for school to start and actually be working towards something I actually want to be doing! I am taking four classes, three with MSJC and one with RCC and they are all writing classes. I have no idea what any of the teachers will be like and I have no idea what any of the classes will be like. But I'm EXCITED!

I also got a slight, slight promotion at the library. Not even a promotion really I just got four more hours per week. But it does also come with some paid vacation and paid holidays. So that's pretty cool. And I will be running the teen reading program.

But did I mention school starts tomorrow?! I got a backpack and a binder and pencils and paper and a pencil pouch and everything is purple and I love back to school shopping!

For the past two years going to school has meant going to work and absolutely dreading it. It's nice to actually be looking forward to going.

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”– Anthony J. D'Angelo

“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.”– Alfred Mercier

“Learning starts with failure; the first failure is the beginning of education.”– John Hersey

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Negatively Positive

Usually when I don't post for awhile it's because I have nothing to post that I'm proud of.

I have lost track of how many times I have done this. Made myself all kinds of promises about getting things accomplished. Write the book. Read constantly. Lose the weight. Blah blah blah. I've heard it all before Jen.

And this summer I have written exactly nothing. Read less than half of what I promised myself. And gained weight. Way to go me!

On a slightly more positive note I am signing up for school this Fall. I am enrolled in both MSJC and RCC. I still have to wait to actually register for classes. Classes are filling up fast and I'm basically at the bottom of the priority list so I have no idea if any of the classes I want will actually be available. Just proving that I met the prerequisites for the classes was a monster headache.

I'm looking at creative writing classes and literature classes. Hopefully I will do well in them, maybe befriend a professor or two well enough to get some good recommendation letters. And then FINALLY bite the bullet and apply to grad school. That's the idea anyway.

But if all goes well my Fall priorities will be...

1) School
2) Writing and reading
3) Getting healthy
4) Work at the library
5) Work as a substitute

Alright, let's do these last five months of 2018 right!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

30Before30 Progress

I'm two months into my 29th year and I have two things marked off on my 30Before30. Not a huge number but it felt EXTREMELY good to cross a couple things off. It is really weird how strangely satisfying checking something off on a list can feel. I'm sure there are books in psychology all about it.

Sometimes I have days, particularly when I'm at work, when I think I'm gonna do this and this and this when I get home. And of course I get nothing done. And then I think I'll do those things on my days off which more often then I would like to admit never happens. It's embarrassing how hard it can be to get past my own laziness.

BUT you have to celebrate the little victories! :)

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Summer, What Took You So Long?

I do NOT like my job.

It's not even that there are some bad days mixed in with good days. It's that there are terrible no good days mixed in with I guess I can get through this days.

One question I am constantly asked is "Are you getting your teaching credential?" Sometimes I will say "Not right now," or "Not yet." The real answer is "Not EVER!" But that's not something I love to say, especially to teachers, who are usually the ones asking.

Even though I have been told multiple times that being a regular teacher is far better than being a substitute (and I believe that) the truth is I just don't have the desire to be a teacher. I never have. It's just not my calling.

And then there is the library. At best my job there is boring and at worst it usually involves phone calls to the sheriff's station to come take care of a patron who is either drugged out, loud, violent or all three. Not my calling either.

So then what am I doing with my life? I've been applying to jobs I find on Edjoin (primarily office type positions, some library ones) not because I really want the jobs but I would like to have one full time job (which at 29 years old I have never had) as opposed to working two part time jobs (one of which I have to commute to).

What do I actually want to be doing? Writing of course. And I would like to go back to school for it. There is a lot of debate about whether it's worth it to go to school for writing since yes you can just do it on your own at home. But I feel like I would really benefit from instruction from professors with experience in the field and actual English degrees.

Then why not just shut up and do it already? MONEY! And a whole lot of guilt. Right now I'm somewhere in the ballpark of $50,000 in student loan debt. I will be paying that off for a very, VERY long time. This debt is part of why I am subbing. Subbing actually requires a bachelor's degree so I am at least putting my degree some what to use. And it pays fairly well.  And grad school is looking like another good 30-40K.

I am terrified that I'll put myself in even more debt for nothing. I know it could lead to other jobs besides getting my own work published. But that opens up a whole other conversation about what to do with this very expensive degree. And aside from getting my own work published I wouldn't know what to say I want from it. I have looked into starting out slow like taking some classes at RCC. I still need to finish financial paper work and actually talk to someone down there about the likelihood of getting into the classes I want.

Right now I am looking at a solid 10 WEEKS of no subbing!!! Money wise that is a bummer but in every other conceivable way that is great news. I am going to see how much writing I can actually get out of myself. Maybe actually make real progress on that book I keep promising myself I will write. And hopefully have some real work that could at least theoretically be used as writing samples for grad school applications.

On a side note, an old friend of mine has been traveling a lot. To me it seems non stop. She is constantly posting about the new and exciting places she has been. But then the other day she posted how she feels like she missed some crucial life lessons in other areas of her life. How she feels like she is miles behind friends around her in where she ought to be in life. And I'm constantly feeling like I missed some crucial steps, professionally at least. It's weird that someone you might feel jealous of could in fact be jealous of you.

So it's good to remember that even though some areas of my life might not be going exactly as I would want, other areas are pretty fantastic. And I constantly, CONSTANTLY need to remind myself not to compare my success with the success of others. And not to let anyone's opinion (even people I know in real life and not just on Facebook) make me feel like it's a bad thing to go after what I want.

And so summer writing here we go...see you on the other side.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Why So Sirius?

Every year I re-watch the Harry Potter movies just before my birthday in preparation for my Harry Potter birthday party. And every year I come to the same conclusion. And here it is, my most likely unpopular opinion is...

Prisoner of Azkaban is the WORST Harry Potter film. 

Yep. I said it. It's my opinion. And I know a lot of people will disagree with me. I know in fact that many people say just the opposite. That Prisoner of Azkaban is the best of the Harry Potter movies. And that's what gets me. Is this movie is held in such high regard for a lot of people. And I don't think it should be.

And if I'm being totally honest and fair (and believe me, I'm trying to be) maybe if I could look at it as just a movie maybe I could enjoy it just a little bit more. But I can't look at it as just a movie. And I don't think it should be looked at as just a movie. It is an adaptation. An adaptation that is part of a series of adaptations. Two adaptations were made before this one and four (or five depending on how you look at it) would come after this. This isn't some random, fun kids movie where you can come and make your artistic mark Alfonso!

Being a Harry Potter director, you have a responsibility to honor what has been created before you, what other directors will have to do after you and MOST importantly what J.K. Rowling put on that freaking page! I don't think Alfonso Cuaron respected what he was a part of. And I really think he should have. I watched it again this year I decided to make a list. A list of all the reasons I have for not liking this movie. Now I will admit SOME of these reasons are me being nit picky. Cause when I start talking about problems with this movie I tend to just go on and on. So perhaps some of these reasons are a little too particular. BUT I will say A LOT of these complaints are real problems. Choices that should NOT have been made. Glaring plot devices left out, out of character choices or actions, but most of all it is a lot of wasted film time. Alfonso added a lot of...color? the script. Small little extra scenes or gimmicks that were largely unnecessary. Which makes the fact that he cut out huge plot story lines all the more frustrating. 

So here is my list. And to be fair I also decided to make a list of things I liked about the movie, just to see if they out weighed my complaints. As you can see...they don't. 

Reasons Azkaban was good
  1. The Dementors were done well
  2. The new cast members were good
  3. The costumes got better
  4. The kids were getting better
  5. The little hints of Harry and Hermione time traveling are pretty good

Reasons Prisoner of Azkaban is a bad movie
  1. That stupid Jamaican skull
  2. Why would Harry ask Stan who the man on his newspaper is? He didn’t see him on the muggle news like he was supposed to.
  3. Why is Tom the bar keeper suddenly a hunchback?
  4. Why not show Harry getting the Monster Book of Monsters in the mail? Why not say it’s from Hagrid?
  5. Why is Hermione suddenly calling Ron Ronald?
  6. Why have the newspaper clip of the Weasley’s in Egypt if you aren’t going to mention that Fudge showed it to Black?  
  7. Why on earth does Hogwarts suddenly have a choir?
  8. What the fuck did he do to Flitwick?
  9. The change of the Fat Lady was really that vital?
  10. I would have taught Harry and Seamus that when they try improv to not say the exact same thing.
  11. Why was the scene with the boys and the candy that makes them sound like animals in there?
  12. Who is that random ass black kid who gets like two different lines? Dean Thomas is RIGHT THERE!!
  13. Why does Harry spend what feels like half the movie riding that damn hippogriff. It takes like half a page in the book!
  14. Why do they have all their books out in the great hall? It’s not the library!
  15. How stupid did they think the audience was? Lupin’s boggart was never explicitly identified as the moon in the beginning, it was an ambiguous orb. Yet they clearly made it look like the moon. Spoon feed it to us guys, kay?
  16. Why is Dumbledore pausing to spit out philosophical phrases not even in the book?
  17. No mention of Cedric, Cho or the fact that Malfoy’s injury is being faked and that’s why Slytherin isn’t playing.
  18. Harry’s moms scream does not sound like a mom screaming for her son. And it doesn’t sound like she is saying Harry.
  19. Who is that random kid with Malfoy and Crabbe when they approach Ron and Hermione at the shrieking shack? Cause it sure ain’t goyle
  20. There’s no indication of when Lupin is falling ill.
  21. They make Hermione act like a whiny bitch in divination. She may not like the subject but Hermione is respectful. But in the film she has bitch face the whole time and gives Trelawney attitude.
  22. Why does Harry see Sirius in the damn crystal ball?
  23. Hermione’s whole ride on the whomping willow was unnecessary. And why didn’t they have Crookshanks freeze the tree?
  24. It doesn’t make sense that Harry knocks Snape out. He’s not powerful enough for that on his own. It’s supposed to be him, ron and hermione combined.
  25. That werewolf was riddikulus
  26. What’s with the little dot that comes out of Sirius when the dementors are attacking? Is that supposed to be his soul? Read a book!
  27. Hermione says they travel back to 7:30pm. The sun would be down by then.
  28. There’s supposed to be a lot more drama with Hermione and the boys, especially Ron. But taking out the story line with the Firebolt took away from it. And Ron was not talking to her after Scabbers appears to be eaten.
  29. Who are Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs? I mean you saw the movie, you must know who they are right? I mean the movie wouldn’t leave out such a huge and basic plot point right? Right?! RIGHT?!!?!?!?!
  30. The final scene with the Firebolt...stupid. Yep, that’s my assessment.

So there you go. That's my rant for the night. Reading it back I'm sure some of it won't be such a big deal to others. But if you are going to defend any of Alfonso's choices please don't let it be #29. Number 29 is my BIGGEST complaint. It is maddening that it is not explained in the film. It hurts me. SIGH........

Okay rant over. Onto Goblet of Fire...

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Remembering Yourself

It is easy to blame yourself.

I'm taking a life lesson from the bachelor. That's right, the bachelor. I mean not from Arie himself, he sucks. But from the show.

Every time the bachelor broke up with someone, the girl would say "What did I do wrong?" "What's wrong with me?" They would place the blame on themselves. And for God's sake why?! You did nothing wrong.

It is so easy to recognize your own flaws. To think of all the things you did or didn't do in a relationship. And I'm not strictly speaking about a romantic one. But constantly reliving the past. What if I had done this instead. What if I shouldn't have said that. Maybe if I had talked more or less. 

Enough is enough. Someone not wanting you to be a part of their life is on them.

It is very, very hard for me to not take things personally. To take them to heart. Especially when it is personal. Why should someone else's opinion of you inform your own self worth?

Loving and respecting yourself is important. Especially when someone you thought was a friend doesn't show you the same love and respect. And it is harder to remember to love yourself when someone you care about treats you and your feelings with indifference. Indifference is so much worse than anger. Because they just don't care. Which is a hard pill to swallow when you still do.

So next time someone breaks up with you or ends a friendship with you here is my two cents. Instead of asking yourself "What's wrong with me?" ask them "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Sunday, February 25, 2018

I'm done

"I want a list of my history."

"Oh we don't keep a record of what you check out."

"Last time they had a list for me. You don't see what I've checked out there?"

"All I have here is a list of the books you turned in late and have late fees for.

"Yeah, that's what I was talking about."


"Can I get that list?"

"Sure, let me go-"

"Cause I should be able to see my history, they got it for me last time."

"Just one second Ma'am."


"Here you go."

"So help me understand your list. What am I seeing?"

"Here is the name of the book you turned in late and here is the late fee."

"Why doesn't it show the day the book was due?"

"It shows the date you turned them in."

"Well how do I know why I'm being charged this amount?"

"We charge 25 cents a day per item so-"

"Yes I understand how much you charge. But why should I be charged this amount? Your list doesn't make sense."


"Where's the due date?"

"The list just shows the date you turned them in, not the due date."

"Okay, well I can fight this." Goes to leave. Turns back around.

"Who can I talk to about this?"

"My supervisor."

"But where does the money go?"

"To my supervisor."

"Oh so she keeps the money and takes it home."

"No she would handle the transaction."

"But who gets the money. Who does the bookkeeping?"


"Do you know what that is? How old are you?"

"Ma'am let me get you my supervisors card."

The late fee was 4 bucks.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Dumbo and Bambi

Continuing my writing on Disney films that I took a break from well over a year ago.

I half love and half hate this movie.

On the one hand this movie beautifully conveys the love a mother has for her son. Mrs. Jumbo immediately embraces her son for who he his. It doesn't matter to her for one second that he has over large ears. What does matter to her is how horribly her son is treated by everyone else.

What makes no sense to me is the fact that over five minutes of screen time and a whole musical number is devoted to Dumbo and Timothy Q. Mouse "seeing pink elephants" and the fact that Dumbo learns to fly is an after thought of the last two minutes of the movie.

I mean the movie is already pretty short. Why spend over five minutes of the film on what could arguably be the least important part of it? And then why only mention Dumbo learns to fly right at the very end? Growing up the fact that Dumbo could fly was one of the few things I even remembered about the movie. They have a ride at Disneyland about it. But in the film it's not really treated like a big plot point.

My rating of the film:6/10

Moving on to Bambi. The truth is I really don't have too much to say about this one. I enjoy the animation. Disney actually reuses the animation from Bambi in a lot of his other films. The music is fine. Nothing too memorable actually. The characters are cute. I mean baby deer, bunnies, birds and even skunks are pretty damn precious.

But the story frankly is kind of a snooze. Baby deer is born. He makes friends. His mother dies. He grows up. He has his own baby deer. And that is pretty much it. Everyone always references this movie as being monumentally sad as well. And sure it was sad. But maybe I just expect more tragedy now to really have an effect. I mean when I saw Coco the other day I bawled my eyes out. But with Bambi? Not so much.

My rating of the film: 6/10

Films in order of preference so far:

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs